AFCU Literature
The AFCU publishes a wide range of resources including the newsletters, and the regular Prayer Diary. If you are a member you will receive these regularly.
To join the AFCU, visit the Membership page or email the office.
Contact Magazine
Contact Magazine has been running for many years and is issued three times a year. It is a magazine not only for members of AFCU but primarily for the wider military community and military families including those on operations. Contact Magazine aims to reach the wider military community such that it contains signposts to the grace and love of God and the message of the Good News of the gospel. Contact Magazine is designed to be read and passed on and to be given out to friends and colleagues who have not yet understood or connected with the Christian faith. It is also hoped that Contact will be an encouragement to serving AFCU members, as iron sharpens iron so one man sharpen another (Proverbs 27:17). It is story based and colourful and contains a wide range of articles.
Go to the Contact Magazine page for downloads and to read online »
The following booklets are AFCU publications that you may view and download:
The Christian and War in the 21st Century
Military Leadership and the Christian