In this eighteen-month journey with a community of friends you will beequipped to discern what God is asking you to do as his faithful followerand obedient servant and begin identifying the ways in which he is calling you to lead within your own military community.
- Training in Christian discipleship and leadership
- Greater confidence in hearing and discerning the will of God Greater confidence in hearing and discerning the will of God
- Individual investment in your own spiritual growth by a trained Christian mentor for encouragement and honing skills
- Immersive retreats and experiential learning Immersive retreats and experiential learning
- Opportunity to meet and build life giving relationships with likeminded military Christians
- Ideas and resources to support you step out in Christian leadership within your own military context
- Opportunities to explore your God given purposes, ‘for such a time as this’.
- Prayerful spiritual support and encouragement, flying ‘top cover as you step out in faith’
- Informative course materials
with a community of about 30 fellow Issachites, mentors and leaders
introducing aspects of christian Leadership by experienced Christian leaders
to share prayer requests, updates and encouragements with Issachites and Intercessors
online meetings with mentor

The Issachar programme also includes 10 suggested books to read/review to develop you as a Christian leader more completely, 3 reflection opportunities to share your journey with your fellow Issachites and 8 suggested practice experiences or opportunities for you to develop as a Christian leader and receive support from your mentor and peers.
We have endeavoured to keep the costs for the programme to a minimum.
The total cost of the course per person is £750. This might sound a lot, but it covers everything including all three residential weekends at The Hayes Christian Centre in Derbyshire AND all course material, online training sessions and one/one mentoring. It can be paid in instalments and grants are available if finance is a real barrier.
The weekends are an intrinsic part of the course. Attendance at the first is absolutely fundamental and attending all three will be HUGELY beneficial, although we understand that the nature of military life may make attending all three impossible for you. All Issachites are asked to prioritise these weekends along with meeting regularly with their mentor online during the course at a mutually convenient time. Obviously, the more you put in, the more you will get out.
"I have been given opportunities to lead worship and speak at other AFCU weekends. This has given me confidence as a leader and I have sought to increase awareness and encourage prayer for the Forces in my home church."
"I have been inspired and encouraged to take the initiative more and to see my witness as a direct goal and not as an afterthought. Writing some devotionals was amazing. I didn't think I'd be able to do it, but once I started all sorts of ideas came and it was really encouraging to know I'd done it and to be reminded of how God has worked in my life."
"I have learnt more about God and about my own faith. My faith has definitely strengthened and my relationship with God improved. It's been a really positive experience and made me more caring of my community, rather than just keeping my head down. I have realised that while I don't think of myself as a leader in a conventional way, I can lead in other ways pertaining to my skills and gifts."
"It's made a huge difference, it has helped me to grow in confidence, taken me outside of my comfort zone, offered great fellowship, great opportunities to witness to others and helped my transition from the Army in hearing God's voice and guidance."
"It's been a great way of getting involved and staying connected to a group of other Christians despite having moved locations three times since I first joined. I love the feeling of continuity despite the physical uprooting."