About Us
The Armed Forces' Christian Union (AFCU), is an interdenominational, tri-service fellowship of Christians who wish to grow in their faith and share it with those with whom they serve. It seeks to encourage and build up Christians in the Armed Forces in their faith and to support evangelism and does this by producing literature, providing prayer support for serving members, organising activities and teaching holidays and weekends, and by personal visits. It is funded only by its members and has a small paid staff based in our office in Watchfield, Swindon.
Serving membership is open to those serving in the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom. All others who are concerned about the work of the Union, and wish to pray for the Armed Forces, may join as non-serving members. On retirement serving members automatically become non-serving members. The only conditions of membership are a Christian belief in prayer to God through Jesus Christ and a willingness to pray for the spiritual welfare of the Armed Forces. All membership is subject to approval by the General Committee.
Object of AFCU
The extension of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in and through the Armed Forces.
Vision for AFCU
A dynamic and outward looking prayer union, discipling a growing membership, upholding Biblical principles in the Armed Forces.
The AFCU Mission Statement
To encourage those who are already Christians in the Armed Forces to live out and develop their faith, to act as ‘salt and light’, and through them to encourage others to come to a committed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ;
To work for unity amongst Christians in the Armed Forces;
To support the Armed Forces in their drive to be a force for good, providing a Godly influence upon military culture;
And to expose the role of Christians in the Armed Forces to the wider Christian community.